Pacific Produce are always trying to find ways to give back to and support charities, aiming to help people and the environment.
We regularly support a variety of charitable organisations. In the sections that follow provide a brief overview of each charity, offering insight into their missions and the impactful work they do.
Trees for life
As an office, we create Co2 emmisions due to our buisness trips. We offset our emisions by donating money to plant trees to add to our grove in Scotland each year, and separatley donate money to plant more trees.
So far we have planted 3043 trees! This is an ongoing donation we make every year, we also welcome and encourage donations from outside of Pacific Produce, the more we plant the better!
Visit the link below to follow our progress.

Helen & Douglas House
Every year we donate and give our support to Helen & Douglas House, our local children's hospice based in Oxford. They provide around-the-clock care for children and families with life limiting and terminal conditions.
Helen & Douglas House get involved in numerous research projects such as end-of-life care, mourning, medical care and much more. This hospice allows families have the time and space they need to enjoy and cope with the precious moments they have left with each other.
Visit the Helen & Douglas website to find out more.

At Pacific Produce we are proud to have an ongoing reltionhsip with FareShare. Working with people experiencing homelessness, asylum seekers, refugees, children and older people's communtiy groups, in 2023 our food was recieved by 3091 charities and community groups. FareShare create campaigns for donators and volunteers to work towards, such as the summer hunger campaign - running from June to September which focuses on food particularly for children, aimed at after school clubs and holiday schemes.
Not only does donating our produce aid many, but donating means reducing food waste which helps us positively impacts the environment. Embedded Co2 is saved from going to waste and embedded water is saved from going to waste.

B,B&O Wildlife Trust
Bucks, Berks, and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust is a voluntary organisation focusing on all aspects of nature conservation.
BBOWT manage 85 nature reserves in the area, monitor species and runningspecial projects to suuport declining species. From wildlife conservation to animal protection, we donate to this charity to helps give back to the local environment. Follow the link below to find our more about what BBOWT do.

Paddington Bear
Paddington Bear the movie enabled us to support the exceptional work of the NSPCC charity, (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children). Pacific teamed up with studio Canal and many other major companies and adopted a 3ft Paddington Bear that was displayed in London throughout November & December 2014 as part of the Paddinton trail.

La Calera FundaciĆ³n
La Calera believes in changing the communtiy for the better through education for the children. It started in 2015 aiming to strengthen the educational quality of the communitites where we operate, and ensuring excellent nutrition of children and the elderly This in turn generates management models that can be replicated in other districts of Peru.
"We seek to facilitate healthy eating that contributes positively to the health and well-being of schools and communities, promoting a love for nature and the efficient use of natural resources, with an entrepreneurial and sustainable approach." Campo de los Niños (Children’s Field) – Is a project in conjunction with ANIA with the mission to empower children to nurture Earth by becoming responsible and caring citizens.